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UPDATE - Women in Action Sports

Women in Action Sports is a feminist project that reflects the worldwide situation of female athletes in different extreme sports.

When it comes to the athletic sponsorship of women, brands often seem to value female athletes more for their looks than their actual athletic merit. When they are recognised for their skills, female athletes can face issues that the men don’t, such as pressure from social media and political restrictions that limit their opportunities to practise the sport. They are often underpaid compared to men, as well.

I started this project covering Mountain Bike Downhill racing with Tracey Hannah, see last post.

After that I focused on Surfing with Justine Dupont.

In 2014, Justine Dupont, from France, became the first woman to surf Belharra, which is the biggest wave ever surfed by a woman in the world. Jules asked Justine how she strikes the balance between selling sex appeal and being an athlete, and how far outside of these boundaries is she willing to go?

I recently graduated a MA photojournalism and documentary photography at University of the Arts London, LCC school of media. As part of my graduation show I've decided to show that work.

The exhibition lasted for a week in London at Ugly Duck Gallery and welcomed more than 3 000 visitors on the private view evening. I printed out two books featuring each athlete's photo story with an interview.

My work has been selected by Spindle magazine

And is also featured on Surfers Village

The London Store By Walski kept my prints after the exhibition and sell them for me !

WHAT'S NEXT ? I will keep working on this project if I can finance it.

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